Our team is made up of a group of enthusiastic and responsible professionals with a high reputation in the industry.
James W. Shou, P.Eng.
Refrigeration Consulting Engineer, Company Director
Prior to starting JSRE, James has been involved in many categories of the refrigeration industry including refrigeration R & D, engineering and consulting, contracting, construction management, and etc., both in Canada and overseas. He has a Ph. D degree in Engineering and is a Professional Engineer registered in BC. Since 1997, James has been actively…Read More…
Dave Warner
Senior Licensed Refrigeration Mechanic, Ice Rink Specialist
Dave has serviced the recreational refrigeration industry from low mainland to BC interior since 1965. He has extensive and first hand experience with ice rinks. He is a technical advisor for the company to provide technical review of ice rink projects.
Got soft ice? We have hard solutions.